Eccles Gym Club has adopted the Gymnastics Ireland Code of Ethics and Best Practice for children.
To download the Code of Ethics including Bullying Policy, click here.
To view Eccles Gymnastics 2022-2024 Safeguarding Statement, click here
Club Children's Officers:
Claire Lindsay
Mary Murray
Club Children's Officers primary aim is to establish a child centred ethos within the club. The CCO is the link between the children and the adults in the club. They also have responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders
Club Designated Liaison Person:
Elizabeth Melvin
The Designated Liaison person is responsible for reporting allegations or suspicions of child abuse and welfare issues to Tusla Family & Child Agency and / or the Gardai.
Garda Vetting
Our coaches & volunteers Over 16 years are Garda Vetted with Gymnastics Ireland